2011年5月21日 星期六

a new camera...i do so wish for

I do have a camera. It's a Sony I-forget-what. But recently, I have realized that the pictures it takes are of low quality and the flash is realllly yellow. Plus, the video quality sucks.
I'm not saying Sony cameras are horrible, it's just the cheap one that I foolishly bought, is err...not that great.

I've been doing some research on DSLR cameras, and I find that they are too heavy and bulky for me to actually carry around. Recently, I discovered the compact SLR cameras! Or...is that what you call it?

After reading some reviews and looking at some pictures o the web, I have fallen in love with the

Duh..dada... dedde (fail drumrolll :P)

      Lumix GF2!!

Aint it a beauty??

I'm pretty sure I could bring that along on regular days and make spontaneous photography expeditions! :)

This is the substance of dreams !!
and nightmares...

I think it costs much more than my P&S sony.
Possibly 3 or 4 times more.
But I'm saving up....or so as I think I am.

So..... What do you think?

Thanks For Reading,

Miss Unconditionally Moilicious Mila

OMG my name is too goddamn long.

